September 15, 2014

More Suite Than Short, But 5' 5" Will Do For Now

Yeah, I know, major disconnect with blog title and blog content. It's Moanday, so please fasten your safety belts.

Life does indeed revolve around me, or in this case, revolve around this:

To whit, the following was either done or on the TBD list for this week.

1} Got manuscript back from formatter? Checkmate.
2} Proofread one last time before moving on to Smashwords? Not yet.
3} Got promo postcards for distribution? Yes, but performed a faux pas. Reorder was completed.
4} Got a few ideas for marketing? Check-o-roonie.
5} Update your book blog to let the half dozen or so people who decide to check it out that you have new product coming out? Absolutely!
6} Ready to pull your hair out with a pair of zircon encrusted tweezers because you have to proofread your novel one last time? What do you think?

In addition to all of those bullet points (note, bullet point #2 will be the death of me this week, so forewarned is forearmed) I'm also having a devil of a time trying to outline what I want to do for the two novellas I want to rewrite. Let tell you something, it ain't easy trying to figure what to keep and what to use when your rewriting something. It's almost enough to make me want to pull out my father's vast collection of music featuring this country artist.

In the meantime, please entertain yourself by either clicking on Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3, and please keep this one thing in mind: the writer of this blog was born in '65, came of age in the 70's & 80's, thus has a most peculiar sense of humor.

(c) 2014 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Oh really, promo postcards? That's a new one. I've never heard of that, but I like it.

  2. Skip number six and focus on number two.
    You can do it!

  3. You're really on the ball. Slim Whitman indeed. Now there's a marketing wiz from the past.

    Tossing It Out

  4. ABFtS: Yup. The cover on the front, plus a short synopsis and related links on the back. Perfect if you want to pimp your book(s) to other people while you're doing other things. Done it for all three of mine.

    Lynn: One of my dad's favorite artists, and one of his videos was used as an early MTV April Fool's prank.

    M: I'm very glad to hear that. :D

    Alex: I definitely intend to focus on #2 starting tonight.

    Arlee: I think I got those exclusive t.v. albums buried here somewhere.


These days, the written word is to die for, so please leave a comment that shows me and everyone else the real you. All kinds of verbiage will be cheerfully accepted in the spirit it was written.