Way early on in my Blogger blogging life, I read horror stories about people being banned for posting salacious items or for violating Blogger's T.o.S. Determined not to become of those who got banned for inappropriate content but at the same time wanting a home for the edgier side of my writing, I created the adult blog
It's Always Saturday In Suburbia in 2010. I say, "adult blog" because basically it contained both story samples and posts that started at the R-rated level and gradually moved upwards, and the only way to access it as a reader was to answer the simple question on the interstitial page of "yes, I want to see" or "no, I don't want to see". No muss, no fuss, and no violation of Google's sensible content policy.
This particular blog ran sporadically from August 21, 2010 thru December 16, 2015. It is still somewhat active, in that a few links from my books
Line 21/
The Inner Sibling and
A Taste Of Pain direct the reader who wants to read a free sample of said book.