June 1, 2016

It's Just A Step To The Right

Once again, it's time for yet another fluffernutter post from the fluffy mind of G.B. Miller. As per the norm, we have a fresh writing related post, chock full of fresh goodies, at I Are Writer!

Then we have a two fer, as in two short posts, one here and one at Pictures For Smarties.

The short post here basically includes a very short op-ed piece, totaling 20 words.

I am a Republican, therefore, you can have a pretty good idea on whom I'm voting for this coming November.

Followed by a video entitled, Serenity in Suburbia:

And that, is the end of this post. If you take a step to your right or left, you can find the other part of this post.

(c) 2016 BOOKS BY G.B. MILLER. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Sounds like my vote will cancel yours out. :)

    1. Perhaps. But, unlike my brother-in-law, at least I'm exercising my right to vote.

  2. A nice tranquil video. So are they powering anything with this or is it simply decorative?

    1. Decorative. In times of parchness or inclement weather, they turn it off. It only runs during Spring, Summer & Fall.

  3. I hope you write in a different Republican candidate. I can't stand the idea of anyone who thrives on hate and doesn't discourage violence being elected.

    1. Really? Then I suggest you start looking at who would benefit the most from the protesters. Remember, Dems are notorious for this kind of stuff, so it would behoove then to actually support the protesters. That quantity of protesters has to be motivated by more than victimhood/political correctness. Perhaps money?

      Also, keep in mind, in order to win the presidential nomination of either party, you have to cater to the core that controls the nomination: for Reps, hard core conservatives, for Dems, hard core liberal left. Once they secure the nomination, then both candidates drift towards the center.

  4. Good for you for stepping up to announce who you're backing. I've been hesitant in coming right out and declaring my support on my blog, but I do tweet it a lot. I've thought about getting outright political on my blog, but then I'd probably lose most of my readers.

    I find the left preaching tolerance but ironically their tolerance only applies to what they believe. Otherwise they are more intolerant than anyone. Last night I was watching those protesters after the Trump rally in San Jose and I fear for our nation if their side wins. They want what they want for free and what they don't get they will take by violence. They seem to think of it as social justice, but it's what used to be seen as criminal behavior. If the Republican candidate doesn't win this election then this country will be on a rapid downhill slide. If the GOP doesn't win then we can pass a lot of the blame to those hardcore bad sport conservatives who will hold part of the blame for destroying the U.S. as we have known it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. The problem, as I see it, is that we've raised a nation of crybabies/apologists/victims, and the Democratic party, on all levels (local/state/federal), has no compunction in catering to that element. Which is why we're going in the toilet as a country.

      Sanders did have some good ideas, but sadly, he is going against the anointed one.

  5. Hmmm...on the vote thing. Really?

    1. Yes. I detest Clinton. I believe she is getting a free pass on the stupidity/illegality she has committed. And always remember, the news media is 100% biased. Always has and always will.

      Plus, I've seen/experienced first hand how the bad economic policies of the Democratic party on the national level applied to the state level has completely obliterated my home state.

  6. So, you're voting for Clinton, right? :-)

    Greetings from London.

  7. Thank you for the video, to restore my peace of mind after that disturbing mention politics.

    1. You're very welcome. I put the op-ed piece in because I thought people might interpret the post title in a political way.


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